In data we trust …

At DLD, we are data-driven. We coach individuals based on data collected by the gold standard 360 in the industry; we coach teams based on a team performance assessment (not a personality assessment, a performance assessment); and before designing or delivering training of any kind we collect data to help us make use of everyone’s precious time and deliver the biggest ROI we can.


Coaching is an alliance to help individuals achieve accelerated growth and increased impact. Often what’s required is not just new behavior, but also new ways of thinking and seeing the world.

Our coaches bring experience in a variety of mental models to bear, and readily go beyond frameworks to bring metaphor and insight to those areas that need a softer touch.

Let's take a step back to reflect, strategize, and re-make the way you move through your working world - whether you've run into a glass ceiling, or just taken a big step into a new position.  What got you here, won't get you there.

Training should go beyond simple information transfer - it should increase the capacity of everyone in the room. The key ingredients for such training are making it highly interactive, relevant and timely to the participants’ needs, and based on practical mental models so that learning can be simulated in the room and immediately applied afterwards.

If your leaders need development in any of the common leadership skills - giving feedback, motivating employees, becoming more Coach-like, delegating and setting expectations or holding people accountable - then let’s talk about how to customize a training and follow-up to your needs.

Selection of recent projects includes:

  • 6-month coaching programs for VP and Director-level positions, including incoming 360 assessment and key stakeholder interviews

  • 3-month programs focusing on specific performance goals - leveraging the Immunity to Change framework to achieve significant adaptive leaps

  • Shorter, 3-4 session “burst” coaching as follow-up to workshops, or targeted for high impact individuals who are new to coaching


Training should go beyond simple information transfer - it should increase the capacity of everyone in the room. The key ingredients for such training are making it highly interactive, relevant and timely to the participants’ needs, and based on practical mental models so that learning can be simulated in the room and immediately applied afterwards.

If your leaders need development in any of the common leadership skills - giving feedback, motivating employees, becoming more Coach-like, delegating and setting expectations or holding people accountable - then let’s talk about how to customize a training and follow-up to your needs.

Selection of recent projects includes:

  • 2-4 hour session on improving Communication, Feedback, Accountability or growing your Coaching skills as leader/manager

  • 2-day long Manager Training covering a variety of management essentials

  • Series of three customized 4-hour sessions for high potentials spread over 6 months investing in teamwork and soft skills for PhD & M.S. level engineers


Most teams, by definition, are average. How would you rate your team’s performance? What will it take for your team to improve performance 10%, 20% or even 50%?

Using a simple, yet powerful industry-leading team performance assessment, we can help you pinpoint the actionable next steps to immediately improve how your team works together.

At DLD, we know the recipe to create high performing teams and the part leaders plays in that. And we know that sometimes it’s the greater environment and context beyond the team which needs to be examined and altered to produce the desired change results.

Selection of recent projects includes:

  • Diagnosis of dysfunction and bespoke design & delivery of a 3-hour Executive Team Building intervention to improve Trust and Communication

  • Ongoing 12+ month retainer working with medical leaders to improve site and leadership performance at a 250+ provider organization

  • Development & scaling of High Performing Teams competencies and norms at various organizations


Depending on the results of your leadership assessment, we might target any of the following common developmental areas:

  • Grow your influence – speak up and influence more skillfully, manage your stakeholders strategically and lead others with confidence.

  • Boundaries & Accountability – manage your workload, set healthy boundaries and clear expectations for yourself and others, and follow-through by holding people accountable

  • Understanding & enhancing your leadership brand – how do you leverage the natural talents and experience you already possess? What type of leader are you and how do you most effectively engage others?

  • Interpersonal dynamics – get under the hood of how to create High Performing Teams, what really makes and breaks strong relationships, and learn skills to manage interactions to create less stress for yourself and others.

Click here to take the free self-assessment and see how your leadership currently measures up. I’d be happy to discuss your results at no charge.


“What we measure, grows” is a truism that applies to so many business-essential processes - including Teamwork. Often reduced to mysterious elements like ‘chemistry’ or ‘inclusivity’ which are hard to measure and notoriously hard to create, teamwork can actually be understood and enhanced by tending to three simple conditions: does the team have enough Clarity on what they’re tasked with, a supportive enough Climate to get the work done, and the right Competence to deliver. The egalitarian approach provided by Squadify allows the team to discuss these key elements and collectively determine actionable next steps. Schedule a consultation to talk through how this scalable tool can benefit your organization - even during these remote times.